Thursday, April 24, 2008

Michael McDonald for President!

Michael McDonald is terminally cool. I mean, look at that beard ... look at that penetrating gaze, My gawd, jsut looking at this pciture now I am entranced. Can't ... keep ... typing ... must ... fight ... on ...

OK, the spell was broken. Yikes. Got a little intense there for a moment.

Anyway, I would like to see Michael McDonald run for president. Seriously. Why not? If the White House gets a phone call at 3am in the morning, I want the person who picks up the line to have a sultry voice that's smoother than butter on a greased door knob. I also want them to have facial hair that's the envy of men the world over, Sikhs, Amish and Orthodox Jews excluded.

I think that his extensive touring schedule has more than adequately prepared him for the busy Presidential travel schedule, and that performing in front of thousands of fans has made him great under pressure. A real clutch performer and cool head (literally, I'm sure).

Join me in supporting Michael McDonald for President in 2008!

Friday, April 4, 2008


I was listening to NPS today and they had a piece on a girl whose parents were "disappeared" (read: dropped out of helicopter into the Atlantic Ocean) by a South American military regime when she was just a little baby. As fate would have it, she was then adopted by a family that had close ties to the ruling military class. They held onto her and raised her as their own, never telling her who she really was.

Flash forward 22 years, and here come the girl's real life grandparents. They find her, they tell her who they are, and thus, who she is. Chaos ensues. Now the girl is suing and it's opening a whole can of worms, because the problem is now being recognized an unintended consequence of mass scale political whitewashing. Who could have foreseen?